August Reading Wrap Up

Regina The Southernista
4 min readSep 4, 2024

Happy Wednesday fellow book lovers and friends! I know I haven’t shared any WWW Wednesday post in the last two weeks and it’s not because I didn’t want to but my Mom got really sick and I took the week off from everything to stay with my mom. Thankfully she has fully recovered from the flu and thankfully not COVID!

I thought I would be able to share a longer WWW Wednesday post the next week but then my body betrayed me which lead to two days off work but I am now feeling better thankfully!

I decided to do my reading wrap up for August instead of WWW Wednesday in which I share: What I am currently reading, What I finished reading and What I’ll be reading next.

August was a really great reading month for me I read nine books! I couldn’t believe it and gave myself a hardy pat on the back. I also must say with the exception of one I read a lot of great books that I gave 5 stars.

Until Next Time! Happy Reading!

I started off the month with a big bang reading the third book in the Beach Cocktail Mystery series by Lydia Lane. This is the perfect summer/beach read series. I love this series the mystery is fast paced and Sybil Vine is a hoot! I gave this 4 big STARS!

Mia P. Manasala’s Tita Rosie’s Kitchen series NEVER disappoints! In this 4th book Lila’s godmothers known as the calendar…



Regina The Southernista

I'm a 50 something southern girl who has a passion for fashion. Join me on my fashion journey. Follow me on Instagram: @reginathesouthernista