Member-only story
Look UP!
Happy Thursday Southernistas! Sorry I am late with this post and doubly sorry for no post last week. I took a little mini vacation not just from work but from my blog too because I needed a little break:).
So this is not a long post but I just want to give (hopefully) you a little lift today and encourage y’all to press on! I know life can get hard sometimes and it seems like nothing is going your way. Bad days do exist but it is all in how you handle those days when they come. I mean we have all walked a mile Alexander’s shoes and had a no good, terrible, horrible day where we wonder why did I even leave the bed! Is the pollen really getting to you today? Or your boss being a completely unreasonable jerk? Have your sweet children turned into little monsters in the blink an eye today? Are you ready to trade in your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? Or does life just absolutely suck lately?
Well I want to encourage with the first verse from Psalms 121 “I will lift up mine eyes to hill, from whence cometh my help.” When life gets to be too much to bear look up! Look up and be encouraged and know that Jesus sees you, He loves you, He cares for you, He hears you and this too shall pass! Things will get better just continue to press on and look up to Jesus for strength and He will strengthen you. I can promise you He will sustain you and He will direct you to the help you need weather it is professional help or that one person whose voice you just need to hear.
If you need to take a break from social media then by all means take a break from social…