Member-only story
Merry Christmas!
Happy Wednesday and Merry Christmas, if you celebrate, to all my fellow book lovers and friends! I know this is the day I usually post my weekly reading update titled WWW Wednesday but I decided not to post what I’m reading today and take the time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Christmas is my second favorite holiday and I look forward to not just being off work for two whole weeks but celebrating the Saviour Jesus Christ whose birth we recognize in this month. I’m not here to argue when Jesus was actually born but to celebrate that Jesus was born! The light of the world, the hope of glory, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Immanuel was born of a virgin that we may be redeemed back to God! To have relationship with the Father!
Beyond the gift giving, endless Christmas programs, Hallmark movies (and others) I rejoice in the ultimate gift that was given to this world!
I want to take a moment to say if this is a particularly hard time of the year for you as Christmas is for many please reach out for help (Suicide…