My July Most Anticipated Reads

Regina The Southernista
4 min read2 days ago

Happy Saturday book lovers and friends! I know you’re thinking why am I seeing a blog post from Regina on a Saturday?! Well I’ll tell you why: I’ve been so busy at work this week trying to get as much done as my department closes out the month of June and the fiscal year so not much time to talk about books this week. I didn’t even get to share with y’all what I read this week so get ready for a super size WWW this upcoming week.

I can’t believe my birth month is almost over! Where did the month of June go? But I’ve had loads of fun celebrating my birthday (June 10th) and…



Regina The Southernista

I'm a 50 something southern girl who has a passion for fashion. Join me on my fashion journey. Follow me on Instagram: @reginathesouthernista