Member-only story
Why Settle?
Hello Southernistas! This week I’ve been struggling with some old insecurities and they have dealt with something I realized I was about to do this week. So I want to talk to y’all today about the worst word, in my opinion, in the English language and that word is settle! UGH! How I hate that word! As a plus size women we have been told to settle for what we can get and I say why settle? We’ve been told to settle regarding fashion and I say why should we settle for fashion cast offs? Why should we settle for poor quality and oversized clothes until we reach some magical number that society deems acceptable and then we can have access to fashion? Why settle for an all black wardrobe if that’s not your thing. We’ve been told to settle in relationships and jobs but again I say WHY?! Why should we settle for the first thing in pants that shows up interest regardless of how he or she treats us just because they showed a little interest? Why not go for that killer career instead of settling for just a 9–5?
Well I am here to say NO! We don’t and will not settle for just anything, anyone or any job. I have learned over these past few years along with help from plus size bloggers, influencers, and brands like Dia & Co that I as a plus size woman don’t have to settle. I am worthy of fierce fashion just like my straight size sisters are. I am worthy of love and an amazing career. I’ve learned that while society will continue to try and tell me to settle for what I can get as a plus size woman I will continue to ask the question why? Why should I settle for what you say I can have? Why is it good…